An ancient cultural and
mythological 'meme' is the association of particular species of life with ‘evil’
– for example snakes or other reptiles. Most
recently this meme came to renewed and ferociously vivid expression through the
Alien movies - which picture a ruthless
exta-terrestrial but also clearly neo-reptilian
species. One might suggest a new term
here in addition to such terms as ‘racism’ or ‘sexism’ – ‘speciesism’. The branding of an entire
species – whether an earthly animal species or an extra-terrestrial one – as evil,
is essentially no less perverse than the tarring of an entire race or ethnic
group with the same brush. In this context too, however, there are much deeper questions and issues to be
raised than merely whether or not one can accept or agree with David
Ickes’s ideas about an evil, extra-terrestrial ‘Reptilian Alliance’ – or even
whether or not all ‘reptilians’ are
evil. Perhaps the most basic question
of all is: what actually constitutes ‘a species’ – any species? For as the zoologist Jakob von Uexküll
argued, what we perceive, through our specifically human sense organs and
patterns of perception, as ‘a snake’, ‘a
shark’, ‘a cat’, ‘a spider’, ‘a jellyfish’-
or any species of life – can in no way be the same as how other species
besides our own (with their different sense organs and patterns of perception)
perceive either members of their own species or those of others. Thus a snake’s
or spider’s perception of a cat or human being – or of another snake or spider
- would probably bear no relation at all to how we human beings perceive snakes, spiders
cats - or other human beings.
question raised by this understanding has even deeper implications however, as
Uexküll recognised from the start. Thus whilst for us human beings, cats and
dogs, like us are just different species of ‘mammal’ – and the word ‘mammal’ is
merely a generic concept - for a species such as the tick, it is different
species rather than ‘genera’ such as ‘mammals’ that would be mere
‘abstractions’ if it could think in words
– for what it actually senses is principally ‘mammal-ness’,
i.e. any life form that is warm-blooded. The word ‘reptile’ denotes a genera rather than a species. In this
sense we can no more ‘see’ a ‘a reptile’ than we can see ‘a mammal’ – we can
only see or perceive a particular species of reptile or mammal – and we
can only do that in our own highly species-specific way. Thus even what human
beings perceive as a particular species
of reptile is, in itself, a uniquely anthropomorphic
and anthropocentric perception, and
in this sense also a ‘this-worldly’ perception.
It is my understanding, that I am
sure David Icke would fundamentally concur with, that all species are
fundamentally species of consciousness
– defined not by their outer form as we or other species might perceive it, but
rather by a specific field-pattern of
awareness. It is their own unique field-pattern of awareness that
configures each species sensory perception of the world - and of all other species within it. Understood in this light, there
is no essential difference between
so-called terrestrial and extra-terrestrial species – for both are essentially species of consciousness. I am equally
sure that David Icke would concur with me in understanding all species and all
beings as essentially inter-dimensional and multi-dimensional – each capable of
manifesting in different forms in or in-between different planes or dimensions
of Awareness, and each being a unique manifestation of that infinite and
universal Awareness that is the source of all All That Is. This being the case
however, the question arises: ‘what is a reptile?’ – both in the ordinary sense
and also in the specific sense given
to the term ‘reptile’ and ‘reptilian’ by David. If the extra-terrestrial reptilians he refers to
are, like all species, essentially species of consciousness, did they choose to manifest in a form that our human species perceives as reptilian, or
is their reptilian appearance purely a
product of our own highly species
specific and specifically human and
terrestrial mode of perception?
A related question - do they shape-shift
into human form or do we shape-shift them
– this other species of consciousness – into a reptilian form familiar to us
from the animal world. This would be understandable given not only the species-specific nature
of human perception but also through the long human association of reptile species such
as snakes with evil or at least with danger. Here facts, historical evidence,
mythological stories or even direct ‘experiences’ do not and cannot suffice to
answer what are fundamentally philosophical
questions. Thus if someone perceives Bush
senior as a humanoid type of reptile, this is certainly an experience that
cannot be invalidated – any more than can any
subjective experience. No one can invalidate, deny or disprove what we
perceive or experience subjectively in our dreams for example. Moreover all
experiencing is essentially subjective, and therefore no dimension or instance
of subjective experiencing - whether in
waking or dream life, or in altered states of consciousness can be invalidated,
denied or disproved.
It is through this fundamental philosophical understanding however that
we come to the main issue. For it is
precisely through recognising the fundamentally subjective character of all
experiencing in all planes of
awareness that we are safeguarded
from seeking to objectivise those
experiences – to assume for example, that just because one or more individuals
from a given species of consciousness, or even an entire species, experience another
species of consciousness in a very particular way - for example as
‘reptilian’ – that therefore this other species exists ‘objectively’ in this
way. To make this leap from the
subjective to the objective would
require not only that all individuals of the same species (for example the
human species) but also that the entire spectrum of different species perceive other species in the same way.
And that, as Uexküll demonstrated long ago through the example of the simple
tick, simply cannot be the case and
is not the case.
Indeed the very need or attempt
to prove that something exists ‘objectively’ completely misses the point. For
it is based on a deep but wholly false ‘scientific’ identification of ‘knowledge’ and ‘truth’ or
‘reality’ as such with ‘objects’ and
‘objectivity’ – rather than with
Awareness and its expression in the form of countless species of consciousness,
i.e. with subjectivity. To someone
with awakened awareness therefore, there
simply are no such things as ‘objects’ at all - ‘physical’ or otherwise. There
are simply patterns and shapes, tones and textures of awareness – each and all of which can and do appear in different
forms to different individuals and species of consciousness, and do so
differently in different planes and dimensions of the one Universal and
Infinite Awareness. For as Uexküll already understood, the environment or
experienced world of all living organisms – I would go so far as to say all
beings – can be compared to a type of subjective perceptual ‘bubble’. What we
perceive as other beings, life forms
or ‘species of consciousness’ within the ‘bubble’ of our own subjectively
perceived environment therefore is nothing physical or objective but rather a pseudo-physical body image – one shaped
by our own highly individual and species-specific mode of subjective perception
and experiencing.
As regards the notion of an
‘extra-terrestrial’ species of reptilian form, the key question therefore is
not whether such a species exists ‘objectively’, but how it exists subjectively. By this I mean whether not
just the human species but the species in question, as a species of
consciousness or subjectivity, perceives
itself and its own kind in reptilian form.
For put in more general terms, when we speak of something existing
‘objectivity’ we are really speaking of a common inter-subjective way of perceiving it - as in the way human beings inter-subjectively construct an agreed
and jointly perceived world of apparent
objects, albeit one whose appearance can completely change (as can our own
appearance to others) when our consciousness
changes or alters - and with it our conventional and consensual mode of perception. As for another non-human species of
consciousness having shape-shifting capacities, I am sure that David would
agree that all human beings too, are innately capable of shape-shifting. I know
this not just from subjective experiences of my own but from inter-subjectively
validated experience – for others have
seen me shape-shift on countless occasions and in countless ways – in this way
embodying some of the infinite forms, qualities and ‘wavelengths’ of awareness latent within us all.
It is without doubt that the
members of ruling elites, global and national, that David Icke describes are
characterised by a type of ‘cold-bloodedly’
calculated cynicism and genocidal criminality of such extremity that it can
only be described as inhuman - and to
which anyone with human feeling can only react with absolute disgust and
repugnance. But to lack human empathy
and feeling is, paradoxically, a unique potentiality of human beings. Therefore - and despite many human being’s bearing a
similar repugnance towards cold-blooded
reptiles such as snakes – we should be wary of projecting this in-humanity on any other non-human species, whether cold-blooded
or not, terrestrial or not. There is and can be nothing evil about a crocodile
– or lion – however rapacious. So to describe any non-human species as
‘inhuman’ or ‘evil’ is to project essentially human features on it - in other words to anthropomorphise that species.
Anthropomorphic images and
perceptions of non-human species of consciousness have a long history in human
culture and mythology. For there have always been and still are species of consciousness – even on this
planet – that are invisible to most human beings, not in the ‘frequency range’
of their perception. For those that can or used to be able to perceive such
species, their specifically human mode or ‘field patterns’ of perception invariably
made them appear in either quasi-human or animal form – whether as humanoid or
animal-headed gods, as quasi-human or beastly giants or as fairies, angels or
horned demons. And when it comes down to it, the essence of the human being is
– as David Icke himself bravely recognises – not itself anything essentially
human or even a ‘being’, but rather that Infinite Awareness that is the source
of all beings and of which they are all a unique portion, expression and
embodiment – each capable of taking of countless possible shapes and forms,
whether pre-human, human or trans-human. In our essence we are all
shape-shifting beings – portions of a Universal Awareness capable of
taking on infinitely diverse forms, and hailing, like Icke’s Reptilians – and
all species of consciousness - from other, non-physical planes of Awareness.
Hi Peter,
ReplyDeleteAt last! Someone to help me make sense of Mr Icke. I've been reading him for years and have always felt an overall resonance with what he has to say, but with many caveats regarding the details. I've just discovered this site and look forward to reading and deliberating upon what you have to say.